scatsex fantasies videos and guides

This site is all about scat sex and fantasies of this extreme fetish. Browse the articles, check out links to mistresses  from all around the world or watch some free video clips. Don’t forget to check out the dating site and the links site. In case of questions or if you want to tell your own scat story, use the contact form and, maybe, your story will be featured on the website. Enjoy!

In October 2024, some new links to scat mistresses have been added.  There is a new interview out with lifestyle dominatrix and scat mistress Haley Rose here

Click here for more!

If you are a mistress and want to be featured on this site, use the contact page. In 2024, a few new features will be introduced. Stay tuned for more!

Scat Mistresses

You want to visit a scat sex mistress? Take a look at the best dommes from around the world. There might be one hot mistress in your area. Browse their websites and check them all out. Some of them also travel. Do you feel there is someone missing? Just write to Scatsexy and the list is updated! Check the menu above for specific parts of the world or use the button below to get to the USA list directly:

Scatsex Videos October 2024

Check out some of the scat videos from the net. If you click the button you will be taken to the video page of Scatsexy.

FAQs and Guides

Did you find this site by accident and don’t know what scat sex is? Probably not lol. But it’s good to know what coprophilia is. Or the question a lot of people are asking: How to get a girlfriend (or boyfriend for the ladies) who is into scat? Well, check out the blogs in this directory for some tips on how to achieve this. Maybe you have your own stories? Tell them to me, I have (almost) heard them all already but they never get old:


Scat Sex Dating for everyone. It is difficult to find a partner but there is hope. Either you use the tactics described in the blog (under “FAQ and Guide”) or you try out some of the dating sites on the net. Some are free, others are free just to join, others are paid only. But the women are the same. Kinky and ready for scat action.