Here you find some of the toplists that deal about scat sex and other kink. Thanks for checking them out.
Furthermore, you will find some scat sex resouces. All the links open in a new window, so you don’t leave Scatsexy.
At the end of the page you find the Scatsexy banner. Feel free to save it and put it on your website. Thanks.
Scatsex Resources
Looking for dirty porn? The porngeek has a list of girls pissing and shitting in scat videos, including clips.
The porndude offers a catalogue of nasty porn sites with pee and poo porn. Don’t look any further.
The fetishbank website has a list of fetish photos, sites, tubes, blogs, videos and links.
Scatsex Links / Best Scat Porn Sites
The Best Fetish Sites publishes links about interesting porn sites including the best scat porn sites.
The Adultwork website is a worldwide adult service provider and has a lot of directories and resources. is a website for finding partners into festishes like scat sex or other kinks. Submit to a a new DOM!
Queroscat is a website dedicated to everything that has to do about this fetish. With dating, videos, photos and much more. From Brazil to you.
CassieScat offers custom scat videos to watch and download in her great looking shop. There is something for every toilet sex lover.
The porn list has selected the best: Porn Sites – Porn Tubes – Porn Blogs & Much More
Scat and poop models can be found on this site called Femscat where they sell their videos.
Cam Sites
Cams offers many cam girls, fetish cams and more. Get into the world of adult cams or just browse the girls.
Some toplists dealing with scat sex websites:
ScatTop100 Toplist
Scat Fetish Toplist
Scatsexy Banner
This is the Scatsexy banner on the left. The banner has the classic banner dimensions 468*60 pixels. Save it as you please (right mouseclick, “save as”) and put it on your website. Link to Scatsexy. Thanks.